AllieMark: Geese having their morning bath
AllieMark: Tempura mulberry leaves and mulberry shakes
AllieMark: Mulberry tempura and shakes
AllieMark: Farm geese
AllieMark: Little Cat and Lizard Killer
AllieMark: Doing laundry
AllieMark: Mud brick living room
AllieMark: Looking over the mulberry orchard
AllieMark: Lizard Killer with breakfast
AllieMark: Carrying the prey
AllieMark: Crunch
AllieMark: Ordnance on the farm walkway
AllieMark: Breakfast
AllieMark: Our meal spot, overlooking the Nam Song river
AllieMark: Mark in repose
AllieMark: The restaurant cat - your attention, please
AllieMark: Love me, more importantly - feed me
AllieMark: Happiness - Lao coffee and a cat on his lap
AllieMark: Mark watering asparagus bed
AllieMark: Allie amongst the mulberry trees
AllieMark: The father goat almost got out of his pen
AllieMark: A mama goat
AllieMark: Another mama goat
AllieMark: This goat liked having his neck scratched
AllieMark: The milk and mold
AllieMark: Goat cheese molds and bucket of fresh milk for the next day's cheese
AllieMark: Cam Sing pouring cultured goat milk into the cheese molds
AllieMark: Pouring the cultured goat milk into the molds
AllieMark: Cam Sing making the mixture for the kids
AllieMark: Bottle feeding goats