mzdori: My first ever #tbt! 1982, me as Drum Major, 16 years old. I really like who this girl was. In the picture you can see that I could be serious and I can see some sadness because that time of life is hard for most of us. But she was pretty confident too an
mzdori: While uncluttering the house, I found #calligraphy that I did in 2005 when attending #artfest. This was done by the incredibly talented Lisa Engelbrecht, the Letterista! May she rest in peace. She passed just under a year ago. I feel so fortunate to have
mzdori: Feeling reborn today. So grateful for the kindness, tenderness and nurturing of friends and family.
mzdori: Still able to do #calligraphy on the plane with a humble ball point pen. It's officially hand lettering but who cares, right?
mzdori: When the Gipsy Kings take the stage, the rhythm section starts playing - percussion, drums, bass and keyboards. Then… count 'em 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 guitarists enter from stage left playing!!! It is a place where "Spanish flamenco and gypsy rhapsody meet sals
mzdori: Wish I could have seen who drives this machine!
mzdori: Road tripping. #route66
mzdori: Road tripping through Gilroy.
mzdori: Fun at the end of #copperplate #calligraphy class with @alice_anita @castleintheairshop.
mzdori: Finishing up day 2 of #copperplate #calligraphy class with @alice_anita @castleintheairshop.
mzdori: Day 2 learning #copperplate #calligraphy from @alice_anita @castleintheairshop.
mzdori: #copperplate class taught by @alice_anita @castleintheairshop.
mzdori: #copperplate class taught by @alice_anita @castleintheairshop.
mzdori: #copperplate class taught by @alice_anita @castleintheairshop.
mzdori: Sent out my first pretty snail mail to my pen pal. #MailFromMyNeighbor @sfcalligraphy
mzdori: I'm in! Yay! I'm especially excited for the floral class and the flourishing and well all of it really. 😎
mzdori: Burmese tea leaf salad goes well with Uncial practice.
mzdori: Writing to my pen pal! Yet another great aspect of calligraphy - hand writing letters. Totally old school and I love it.
mzdori: Practicing my Uncial at one of my favorite cafés. The mozzarella, tomato and basil sandwich is SOOO yummy.
mzdori: Playing around with BlendPic app to add my calligraphy to my watercolor. A whole new world of fun to come!
mzdori: More Uncial from Paul Veres's class at #castleintheair. He designed the font for the new Harper Lee Book.
mzdori: More from my Uncial class at #castleintheair
mzdori: Learning uncial at #castleintheair.
mzdori: My name for the #handletteredabcs_extended. I have always loved my name. My mom is Midori and my parents made my name out of hers. It's just Dori, not short for anything, and the simplest way to spell it. Growing up I was always the only one with my name
mzdori: A different version of my made up pangram using a much larger folded pen. It's HUGE and almost got away from me. #handletteredabcs_extended
mzdori: Today's #handletteredabcs_extended challenge is a pangram which is a sentence that includes every letter of the alphabet. So I made my own. "My furry black dog Kuma jumps and zooms when very excited." And that crazy looking pen is a folded pen so this dou
mzdori: Last of the double letters for #handletteredabcs_extended. See I wasn't exaggerating when I said I did lots of practice sheets.
mzdori: Here's one of the practice pages I did for today's Double Letter day in the #handletteredabcs_extended challenge. Titanium Zebra G nib Watercolor Artist's Loft 140lb. Watercolor paper
mzdori: Today is double letter day for #handletteredabcs_extended. They can be hard. I can't do them the same so I go for similar but different. I'm pretty happy with this one. It came after 3 pages of tries using both brush and dip pen, all with watercolor.
mzdori: Last of the letters for #handletteredABCs_extended.