Myshan: The edge near the precipice.
Myshan: A storm is coming, I must prepare well...
Myshan: Who says only old men can look wise?
Myshan: A ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for...
Myshan: Day Into Night. Hulhumale', Maldives, Timelapse 2
Myshan: Hulhumale', Maldives
Myshan: Nightlife of an Island City
Myshan: The Façade of Male'
Myshan: Sasuke
Myshan: You have to have a darkness... for the dawn to come.
Myshan: City of Bright Lights and Big Dreams
Myshan: Mind sitting next to me?
Myshan: Fishing in the Evening
Myshan: Happy New Year.
Myshan: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.It is the source of all true art and all science.He to whom this emotion is a stranger,who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe,is as good as dead:his eyes are closed." Einstein
Myshan: Even the most beautiful rose, will fade and wither away, and forever shall not last...
Myshan: The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
Myshan: Overload of visual caffeine!!!
Myshan: The vast openness....calling out to me.....
Myshan: Reflected lake
Myshan: Reflected upon yourself......
Myshan: It's A Trap!!!
Myshan: Predator VS Prey....
Myshan: A bike in the sea......
Myshan: Dawn.....the beginning of a new day.............
Myshan: The bright blue sky
Myshan: Soaking up the sunshine
Myshan: The door