BillsPixPlace: He went that way!
BillsPixPlace: Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: Morning swim
BillsPixPlace: White Morph Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: Fishing. Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: White Morph Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: Bahia Honda Bridge
BillsPixPlace: Royal Terns
BillsPixPlace: A Snail Kite on the hunt
BillsPixPlace: Shaking off the water
BillsPixPlace: Morning flight
BillsPixPlace: White Morph Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: American Oyster Catcher
BillsPixPlace: Brown Pelican
BillsPixPlace: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
BillsPixPlace: Wings of an angel
BillsPixPlace: Whimbrel
BillsPixPlace: Skimmer!
BillsPixPlace: Dancing in the early morning light
BillsPixPlace: Roseate Spoonbill
BillsPixPlace: Snail Kite (female)
BillsPixPlace: Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: Brown Pelican
BillsPixPlace: Snowy Egret
BillsPixPlace: Reddish Egret
BillsPixPlace: Windswept