Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - the Roman Forum ruins
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - The Roman Forum ruins
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - The Pantheon Ceiling
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - The crowd at Trevi Fountain
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - The Colosseum
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - the Colosseum and Danielle
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - St Peters Square
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - St Peters Basilica
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - St Peters Basilica ceiling
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - St Peters Basilica (3)
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - St Peters Basilica (2)
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Romulus and Remus Statue on the side of the road
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Piazza Navona
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Our restaurant in Trastavere
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Museum of Contemporary Art
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Museum of Contemporary Art (2)
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - From Pont Max at night
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Exploring Trastavere
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Danielle's second dream car
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - Alex at the Colosseum
Danielle and the Quirks: Rome - al Piccolo Arancio (The Little Orange)
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - View from the Eiffel Tower
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve Central Entrance
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - the Lourve and Alex
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve 6
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve 5
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve 4
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve 3
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve 2
Danielle and the Quirks: Paris - The Lourve (for John)