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High-Resolution Macro: Insects & Spiders
High-Resolution Macro: Scorpions
High-Resolution Macro: Triops 2019
Portfolio 2018
Calendar 2018
Acanthoscurria geniculata (C. L. Koch, 1841)
Avicularia spec. amazonica manaus
Avicularia braunshauseni Tesmoingt, 1999
Avicularia spec. riberalta bolivia
Avicularia spec. colombia
Avicularia spec. ecuador
Avicularia spec. tarapoto
Avicularia juruensis (Brazil)
Avicularia cf. aurantiaca
Avicularia cf. bicegoi
Avicularia cf. purpurea Kirk, 1990
Avicularia geroldi Tesmoingt, 1999
Avicularia cf. ulrichea Tesmoingt, 1996
Avicularia cf. urticans Schmidt, 1994
Avicularia minatrix Pocock, 1903
Avicularia huriana Tesmoingt, 1996
Avicularia spec. boa vista
Avicularia spec. "peru purple"
Caribena versicolor (Walckenaer, 1837)
Caribena laeta (C. L. Koch, 1842)
Ybyrapora diversipes (C. L. Koch, 1842)
Ybyrapora sooretama Bertani & Fukushima 2009
Aphonopelma chalcodes Chamberlin, 1940
Brachypelma albopilosum Valerio, 1980
Brachypelma auratum Schmidt, 1992
Brachypelma emilia
Brachypelma smithi (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897)
Brachypelma boehmei Schmidt & Klaas 1993
Brachypelma klaasi (Schmidt & Krause, 1994)
Brachypelma vagans Ausserer 1875
Ceratogyrus darlingi Pocock, 1897
Ceratogyrus marshalli Pocock, 1897
Chilobrachys fimbriatus Pocock, 1899
Chilobrachys spec. "blue vietnam"
Chilobrachys spec. Kaeng Krachan
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Strand, 1907)
Cyriocosmus aueri Kaderka, 2015
Cyriocosmus elegans Simon, 1889
Cyriocosmus ritae Pérez-Miles, 1998
Cyriopagopus schioedtei (Thorell, 1891)
Davus pentaloris (Simon, 1888)
Damon diadema (Simon, 1876)
Dolichothele diamantinensis
Encyocratella olivacea Strand, 1907
Euathlus spec. fire or spec. red
Eucratoscelus pachypus Schmidt & von Wirth, 1990
Ephebopus cyanognathus West & Marshall, 2000
Grammostola anthracina
Grammostola porteri (Mello-Leitão, 1936)
Haplopelma albostriatum „Chaiyaphum"
Haplopelma lividum Schmidt, 1996
Heteroscodra maculata Pocock, 1899
Hapalopus spec. "colombia large"
Heterothele villosella Strand, 1907
Heteropoda boiei
Hyllus diardi
Idiothele mira Gallon, 2010
Iridopelma zorodes (Mello-Leitão, 1926)
Lasiodora klugi (C.L. Koch, 1841)
Lyrognathus giannisposatoi Nunn & West, 2013
Monocentropus balfouri Pocock, 1897
Neoholothele incei (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898)
Nhandu chromatus Schmidt, 2004
Pamphobeteus spec.
Phormictopus cancerides (Latreille, 1806)
Poecilotheria metallica Pocock, 1899
Poecilotheria ornata
Poecilotheria miranda Pocock, 1900
Poecilotheria spec. "lowland"
Poecilotheria striata Pocock, 1895
P. smithi Kirk, 1996
Poecilotheria subfusca Pocock, 1895
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli Smith, 2006
Poecilotheria regalis Pocock, 1899
Poecilotheria rufilata Pocock, 1899
Psalmopoeus cambridgei Pocock, 1895
Psalmopoeus irminia Saager, 1994
Psalmopoeus cf. ecclesiasticus
Psalmopeus reduncus (Karsch, 1880)
Psednocnemis brachyramosa (West & Nunn, 2010)
Pterinochilus lugardi Pocock, 1900
Pterinochilus murinus Pocock, 1897
Orphnaecus spec. blue panay
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis von Wirth & Striffler, 2005
Stromatopelma calceatum (Fabricius, 1793)
Theraphosa blondi (Latreille, 1804)
Thrixopelma ockerti Schmidt, 1994
Xenesthis immanis
Xenesthis spec. blue
Poecilotheria Week 2016
Black Background
Abdominal patterns
Tarsal Claws & Feet
Stock Images
Schaukästen von André Leetz
Terrarien Timeline
"Behind the Scenes"
Macro old 2015-16