BirdspotUS: Northern Parula
BirdspotUS: Black-and-white Warbler
BirdspotUS: Sabine's Gull
BirdspotUS: Sabine's Gull
BirdspotUS: Works in Progress
BirdspotUS: Cooper's Hawk
BirdspotUS: Color study of an Olive sparrow
BirdspotUS: Plain Chachalaca sketches
BirdspotUS: White-crowned Sparrow
BirdspotUS: Olive Sparrow
BirdspotUS: Snowy Owl
BirdspotUS: Ornate Hawk-Eagle
BirdspotUS: Jerboa - Burrowing card
BirdspotUS: Anna's Hummingbird sketches
BirdspotUS: Road Kill II (Cooper's Hawk)
BirdspotUS: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
BirdspotUS: Road Kill I (Northern Saw-whet Owl)
BirdspotUS: Olive Sparrow sketch
BirdspotUS: Altamira x Audubon's Oriole
BirdspotUS: Altamira x Audubon's Oriole
BirdspotUS: Rufous Hummingbird
BirdspotUS: Blackburnian Warbler
BirdspotUS: Blackburnian Warbler
BirdspotUS: boxes and boxes...
BirdspotUS: Allen's Hummingbird
BirdspotUS: study of an immature Rufous Hummingbird
BirdspotUS: Golden-crowned Sparrow
BirdspotUS: Tricolored Blackbird
BirdspotUS: Clay-colored Sparrow
BirdspotUS: Clay-colored Sparrow