MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 J2-19 man near Tari market Oct 9 1996
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 J2-20 graves nr Tari Rd w flag for soldier
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 Y4-15 Tari Ambua suspension bridge
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 Y4-17 view from Ambua Falls
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 J2-22 Ambua waterfall
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 Y4-18 Ambua Falls
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 J2-23 Tari Gap cloud forest
MYake: PNG Oct 9 1996 Y4-21 flowers
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 Y16-10 Blue Bird of Paradise
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-26 Tari man on road nr where we saw Blue Bird of Paradise
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y4-27 Tari gateway walls crypt
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y4-28 near Tari market
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-29 Tari - women with billum bags
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-30 Mokola brother of driver who took us to Tari market
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-31 Tari Market clothes for sale esp from Taiwan
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y4-30 tobacco at Tari market
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-32 Huli man Kakanalu with arrow Bill bought
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 Y4-32 wigman warrior with arrow that Bill bought
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 Y4-33 wigman warrior with arrow that Bill bought
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-33 Huli Wigman at Kakanalu
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 J2-34 far side of Tari Gap
MYake: PNG Oct 10 1996 Y4-26 pig rooting in garden nr Tari
MYake: PNG Oct 11 1996 J2-35 Bill and Joseph on Island Highway
MYake: PNG Oct 11 1996 J3-2 orchid at Kakanalu
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y16-23 Stephanies Astrapia
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y16-28 King of Saxony Bird of Paradise
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y16-3 12-wire Bird of Paradise
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y16-34 colonial spider web
MYake: PNG Oct 1996 Y16-37 young Ribbon-tailed Astrapia
MYake: PNG Oct 12 1996 J3-5 Jaluba Village