MYake: Tim Schlender and Rhonda Hunter
MYake: Tim Schlender and Brenden McFarland
MYake: Jay convenes
MYake: More mingling and memories shared
MYake: Lots of mingling
MYake: What a beautiful group
MYake: Joe Williams and Greg Sorlie Serve beer for everyone
MYake: Dave Roberts and Bob Duffy
MYake: Lets Dance
MYake: Sturgeion Moon
MYake: The D'acc!
MYake: An original Shorelander
MYake: Directors assemble for their "briefing"
MYake: Policy Wonks
MYake: Peter Skowlund and Tim Gates
MYake: Chris Sums It Up
MYake: Directors Briefing
MYake: Sturgeon Moon
MYake: Greg Sorlie and Julie Atwood
MYake: Jon Neel and Lynn Singleton
MYake: Greg Sorlie and Melanie Redding
MYake: Chris Gregoire
MYake: Andrea Riniker, Chris Gregoire and Tom Fitzsimmons
MYake: 8 Ecology Directors
MYake: Ecology Reunion in Olympia Ballroom
MYake: Greg Sorlie and Mike Rundlett
MYake: Mel Schaefer
MYake: Don Peterson and Joe Williams
MYake: Greg Sorlie and Ats Kiuchi
MYake: Steve Hood and Jim Bucknell