MYake: Sea lions and Eagles
MYake: Mouth of the Lewis River
MYake: Eagle on Lewis River
MYake: Eagles on the Lewis
MYake: Waiting for Smelt
MYake: Ghost Bridge and Tender House
MYake: Train crossing BNSF RR Ghost Bridge
MYake: Great Blue Heron Rookery
MYake: Pied-Billed (Curl-necked) Grebe
MYake: Splashing Pied-billed Grebe
MYake: Pied-billed Grebe in Close Reflection
MYake: Yawning Pied-billed Grebe
MYake: Bill on Ridgefield Trail
MYake: Columbian White-tailed Deer
MYake: Tundra Swans
MYake: Tundra Swans on Water and in Flight
MYake: Three Flying Tundra Swans
MYake: Tundra Swan
MYake: Tundra Swans in Flight
MYake: Swans in Flight
MYake: Swans and Willows
MYake: Flock of Cackling Geese
MYake: Ridgefield Marshes with Tundra Swans
MYake: Marsh Wren
MYake: Hooded Merganser
MYake: Bill in Field with Sandhill Cranes
MYake: Five Sandhill Cranes landing in formation
MYake: Six Sandhill Cranes incoming
MYake: Two Sandhill Cranes incoming
MYake: Sandhill Cranes in Corn