MYake: Deer & Fire near Modoc
MYake: Sandhill Cranes Calling
MYake: Cranes and Coyote
MYake: Sandhill Crane
MYake: Redtail Hawk
MYake: Christmas Valley Quail
MYake: White-faced Ibis -- Summer Lake OR
MYake: White-faced Ibis -- Summer Lake OR
MYake: Lesser Yellowlegs - Summer Lake NWR
MYake: American Avocets and Peeps
MYake: Black-necked Stilt
MYake: American White Pelican
MYake: Yellow-headed Blackbird
MYake: Marbled Godwits and Stilts
MYake: Great Horned Owls
MYake: Burrowing owls -- High Desert Museum
MYake: Terrapin Station