MYake: Eastern Bluebird pair
MYake: Turkey Vulture at Grill
MYake: Empress Leilia (Astrocampa leilia)
MYake: Green Heron with prey
MYake: Green Heron looking fierce
MYake: Lizard
MYake: Black Vultures in Mexico
MYake: Checkered White (Pontia protodice)
MYake: Carrion Beetle (Nicrophorus sp.)
MYake: Desert Cottontail
MYake: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
MYake: Vermilion Flycatcher
MYake: Trinkets -- from Boquillas
MYake: Hemp Van
MYake: Golden-fronted Woodpecker
MYake: Golden-fronted Woodpecker
MYake: American Roadrunner with Snake
MYake: Offerings from Boquillas
MYake: Geological Layering -- Near Hot Springs
MYake: Rock Paintings -- Hot Springs
MYake: 107 degrees near Hot Springs.
MYake: Pyrrhuloxia