MYake: Chisos cheers
MYake: Chisos window
MYake: Spanish Dagger and Casa Grande Peak
MYake: Spanish Dagger and Casa Grande Peak
MYake: Ocotillo
MYake: Say's Phoebe with Insect
MYake: Say's Phoebe silhouette
MYake: Chisos Sunset
MYake: Northern Mockingbird
MYake: Cactus Wren straddle
MYake: Dainty Sulphur (Nathalis iole)
MYake: Giant Agave Bug (Acanthocephala thomasi)
MYake: Giant Agave Bugs breeding
MYake: Curve-billed Thrasher
MYake: Probably Northern Cloudywing (Thorybes pylades)
MYake: Acorn Woodpecker
MYake: Acorn Woodpecker
MYake: Vesta Crescent (Ventral). Phyciodes graphica
MYake: Vesta Crescent (Dorsal) Phyciodes graphica
MYake: Common Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus communis)
MYake: Whitewinged Dove
MYake: Black-crested Titmouse
MYake: American Roadrunner
MYake: Chicos Basin Sunset
MYake: Chicos Basin Sunset
MYake: Spotted Towhee
MYake: Chisos Basin in evening
MYake: Sunset
MYake: Chicos Basin Sunset
MYake: Night sky