MYake: Sunrise
MYake: Sunrise
MYake: Winter Ridge from Playa
MYake: Playa and Winter Ridge
MYake: Pond and Winter Ridge
MYake: Playa pond -- early day
MYake: Playa Pond, Fog, and Winter Ridge
MYake: Playa soil colors
MYake: Cabin Interior
MYake: Upstairs Interior
MYake: Sunrise with Snow and Willow
MYake: Sunrise with willow
MYake: Sunrise with Snow and Trees
MYake: Downy woodpecker
MYake: Dawn -- Summer Lake, Oregon
MYake: Sunrise -- Summer Lake, Oregon
MYake: Ringneck Ducks pair
MYake: Tree Swallow at Nest Box
MYake: Bufflehead on Playa Pond
MYake: Tree Swallow
MYake: Bufflehead pair
MYake: Full Moon from Playa Summer Lake