MYake: Steps and marked tide line -- 14'
MYake: 14' tideline looking west
MYake: Steps viewed from 14 ft tide line
MYake: Measuring lower step elevation
MYake: Measuring step elevation
MYake: String level
MYake: 4 ft 2 ¼ in. added to reach top of top tier of blocks
MYake: Measuring to top of concrete block stairs – 14 ft + 4 ft. 2½ in. = 18 ft 2¼ in.
MYake: 1st Leg Elevation Measurement to repair site
MYake: Transit to slope
MYake: Final leg of elevation measurement to repair site
MYake: Trail alignments at repair site from below
MYake: Trail alignments at repair site from above
MYake: Video showing trail repair site
MYake: Rocky Point tide chart January 13 2018
MYake: Seattle Jan 13 tide chart
MYake: During January 5 2018 8:40 am King Tide