MYake: Tahoma from Tipsoo Lake
MYake: Tahoma from Tipsoo Lake
MYake: Anna's Blue (Plebejus anna)
MYake: Mariposa Copper (Lycaena mariposa)
MYake: Purplish Copper (Lycaena helloides)
MYake: Hoary Comma (Polygonia gracilis) dorsal
MYake: Hoary Comma (Polygonia gracilis) Ventral
MYake: Photographing blues
MYake: Boisduval's Blues (Plebejus icarioides)
MYake: Mountain Parnassian (Parnassius smintheus) on Alpine Aster
MYake: In Clover
MYake: Elephant Head Pedicularus
MYake: Sheep Lake Creek and bleached log
MYake: Sheep Lake Creek video
MYake: Baneberry
MYake: Rainiera stricta
MYake: Pink Monkey-flower
MYake: Rockslide Larkspur
MYake: Western Anemone seed-heads
MYake: rock wall with flowers from cellphone
MYake: Larkspurs and Arnicas
MYake: flowers along Hwy 410 near Chinook Pass from cellphone