MYake: April & Tony's cabin
MYake: In April and Tony's cabin
MYake: James on the drums
MYake: Jeannette picking morels
MYake: Classic morel in pine forest burn
MYake: Morel & fire-fractured rock
MYake: Joe in fire-charred forest
MYake: Joe, April & Morels
MYake: Morel harvest
MYake: Stickpin Burn
MYake: Lady slippers
MYake: The long-billed snipe
MYake: Snipe in Drizzle
MYake: Tree swallow in nest box
MYake: Morels ready to dry
MYake: Tony, James, April, Bill, and Jeannette
MYake: Dancing on a trailer
MYake: Barreca Vineyards Sign
MYake: Joe and Jeannette in Vineyard
MYake: Joe and Gray-C
MYake: Jeannette and Gray-C
MYake: Joe, Cheryl, and Gretchen
MYake: Great Horned Owl