MYake: Baby photo at Hatgal Naadam
MYake: Jeannette taking Naadam photo
MYake: Naadam girls
MYake: Naadam girls and print
MYake: Badral and hero mother
MYake: Horse rider and Polaroid
MYake: Horse riders at Naadam
MYake: Naadam rider
MYake: Naadam riders
MYake: Riders examining the prints
MYake: girl at Naadam near Hatgal, Mongolia
MYake: Showing the print to family
MYake: Women with Polaroid print at Naadam near Hatgal, Mongolia
MYake: Family with Polaroids
MYake: Family in Ger near Lake Hovsgol
MYake: Sibling envy
MYake: visiting herder
MYake: visiting herder with Polaroid
MYake: Buryat family at Naadam in Dadal
MYake: Mother and child at Naadam in Dadal
MYake: Girls dressed up for Naadam in Dadal
MYake: Kids at Dadal Village Naadam
MYake: Buryat man in ger
MYake: Buryat family in Dadal
MYake: Camel herder and daughters in South Gobi
MYake: Camel herder passing snuff to friend
MYake: Small children near deer stones
MYake: Kathleen and child
MYake: Horse-raising family near Karakorum
MYake: Mendbayar and Lexus