MYake: Cliff Swallow nesting under hanger eaves
MYake: Kids at Bowerman
MYake: Boardwalk
MYake: Song Sparrow
MYake: THEM at Bowerman Basin
MYake: Shorebirds against the forest
MYake: Shorebird flight against Bowerman
MYake: Flight
MYake: Blurred Merlin
MYake: Education - what shorebirds eat
MYake: Anise Swallowtail on salmonberry
MYake: Anise Swallowtail
MYake: Marsh Wren
MYake: Birding
MYake: Larry at scope
MYake: Dowitchers
MYake: Dunlin and reflection
MYake: Four dunlin
MYake: Dowitcher
MYake: Dunlin and Black-bellied plovers
MYake: Semipalmated Plover
MYake: Shorebirds in flight
MYake: Flight
MYake: Shorebirds Taking flight
MYake: Photography
MYake: Tires