MYake: Hobbit Forest
MYake: Elwha Klallam Tribe Cemetery
MYake: Elwha Klallam Cemetery
MYake: Elwha Gravestones
MYake: Vancouver Island
MYake: Beach dwelling
MYake: Beach Structure
MYake: Currents at mouth of Elwha
MYake: At the mouth of the Elwha
MYake: Elwha River Delta
MYake: Mouth of the Elwha
MYake: Delta at Mouth of the Elwha River
MYake: Mount Baker from mouth of the Elwha River
MYake: Mount Baker from mouth of the Elwha River
MYake: Mouth of the Elwha
MYake: Beach rocks and driftwood
MYake: Observatory Point - Freshwater Bay
MYake: Cat Peak
MYake: Old spillway -- Glines Canyon Dam site
MYake: Spillways and overlook
MYake: Eroding Lake Mills sediments from old Glines Canyon Dam dam site
MYake: Lake Mills erosion
MYake: Revegetation on sediments
MYake: Crew on revegetating sediments
MYake: Construction of visitors' overlook on west side of former dam site
MYake: Appleton Pass trailhead
MYake: Hiking through the Forest
MYake: Suspension Bridge
MYake: Umbelliferae
MYake: Jeannette at Olympic Hot Springs