MYake: Various Cormorants
MYake: Harlequin Duck
MYake: Cormorants
MYake: Double-crested, Brant's and Pelagic Cormorants
MYake: Neah Bay Marina
MYake: Neah Bay Marina
MYake: Neah Bay Crow
MYake: Four Trumpeter Swans near Wa'atch River
MYake: Three Trumpeter Swans
MYake: Trumpeter Swans take wing
MYake: Two swans take flight
MYake: Elk Herd
MYake: Yearling still nursing
MYake: Bill at Cape Flattery trail
MYake: Jeannette on Walkway
MYake: Leathery Polypody Fern
MYake: Fisheye
MYake: Cape Flattery trail & walkway
MYake: Cape Flattery through the trees
MYake: Jeannette at Cape Flattery
MYake: Viewpoint Landing at Cape Flattery
MYake: Bill through tree hole
MYake: Swamp lantern
MYake: To West in Mist
MYake: Tatoosh Island
MYake: Cormorant
MYake: Sea Serpent
MYake: Makah Bay giant slug
MYake: Seascape
MYake: Gull