MYake: Bill and Danube Cattle
MYake: Eating homemade spӓtzle with beef at the Mazzola's.
MYake: At der Bussen
MYake: Near old church at der Bussen
MYake: Midgets and giant
MYake: Map at der Bussen
MYake: At der Bussen
MYake: View on a clear day
MYake: Anselm Grün book display in church at Der Bussen
MYake: Pfahlbauten am Federsee
MYake: Grass shoe at Federseemuseum
MYake: Model of early wooden cart
MYake: Ancient-lineage goat
MYake: Goat in dugout
MYake: Village with model dugout
MYake: Partially constructed kiln
MYake: At Federseemuseum
MYake: Into the marshes
MYake: Federsee Marshes
MYake: Grebe in Federsee
MYake: With pig statue
MYake: Anita with Pigs
MYake: Storks on rooftop nest.
MYake: Ultralight near Celtic Village - Heuneburg
MYake: Interior of Celtic workshop - Heuneburg
MYake: Celtic Loom - Heuneburg
MYake: Celtic Shutter - Heuneburg
MYake: Wood joining - Heuneburg
MYake: View of Danube from Celtic walls - Heuneburg
MYake: Celtic Pins - Heuneburg