MYake: Bison
MYake: Raven on Soda Butte
MYake: Raven on Soda Butte
MYake: Cassin's Finch at Soda Butte
MYake: Bison, Swallow Nests at Soda Butte
MYake: Soda Butte
MYake: Lamar Valley
MYake: Lamar Valley Bison
MYake: Mormon Fritillary nr Tower
MYake: Storm a-threatnin'
MYake: Fire-killed Whitebark Pine
MYake: Fire-killed Whitebark Pine
MYake: Virga and Fire-killed Whitebark Pine
MYake: Silvery Blue - Mt Washburn
MYake: Silvery Blue - Mt Washburn
MYake: Mt Washburn & lookout
MYake: Virga and Light north of Mt Washburn
MYake: Mt Washburn 360 degree Panorama
MYake: Atop Mt. Washburn
MYake: Jeannette, Gale and sheep
MYake: Rocky Mt Ram
MYake: Rock Mt Bighorn Sheep
MYake: Rocky Mt Sheep
MYake: Alpine bluebells, Mount Washburn Yellowstone NP
MYake: wildflowers and yellow-bellied marmot, Mount Washburn Yellowstone NP
MYake: Silky Phacelia (scorpionweed), Mount Washburn Yellowstone NP
MYake: Mountain Virga
MYake: Woolly groundsel and silky phacelia, Mount Washburn Yellowstone NP
MYake: Coyote
MYake: Coyote in Wildflowers