MYake: Boisduval's Blue (Plebejus icariodes)
MYake: Arctic Blue (Agriades glandon)
MYake: Arctic Blue (Agriades glandon)
MYake: Edith's Checkerspot (?) (Euphydryas editha)
MYake: Anise Swallowtail (Papilio zelicaon)
MYake: Mormon Fritillary (Speyeria mormonia)
MYake: Possible Edith's Checkerspot
MYake: Silvery Blue (Glaucopsyche lygdamus) Mt Washburn
MYake: Field Crescent (Phyciodes pulchella)
MYake: Hayden's Ringlet (Coenonympha haydenii)
MYake: Fourth of July Butterfly Count - Yellowstone
MYake: Edith's Copper (Lycaena editha)
MYake: Puddling Blues 4JBC Yellowstone
MYake: Blues 4JBC
MYake: Fourth of July Butterfly Count - Yellowstone
MYake: Rocky Mountain Parnassian (Parnassius smintheus)
MYake: Checkerspot (Euphydryas sp.)
MYake: Bluet -- Christian Pond
MYake: Euphydryas sp. on Snowberry
MYake: Snowberry Checkerspot eggs
MYake: Possible Glaucon Blue (Euphilotes glaucon) on Eriogonum umbellatum
MYake: Callippe Fritillary (Speyeria callippe)
MYake: Callippe Fritillary (Speyeria callippe)
MYake: Callippe Fritillary (Speyeria callippe)
MYake: Speyeria sp.
MYake: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
MYake: Weidemeyer's Admiral (Limenitis weidemeyerii)
MYake: Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
MYake: Pine Elfin (Incisalia eryphon)
MYake: Common Alpine (Erebia epipsodea)