MYake: 4th of July Butterfly Count
MYake: Melissa's Blue (Plebejus melissa)
MYake: Field Crescent (Phyciodes pulchella)
MYake: Hayden's Ringlet (Coenonympha haydenii)
MYake: Examining Butterflies
MYake: Edith's Copper (Lycaena editha)
MYake: Watching Blues -- 4JBC
MYake: Trail near Indian Creek
MYake: Northern Gate
MYake: Gardiner.
MYake: Dragon's Mouth
MYake: Sulfur Caldron
MYake: Sulfur Caldron
MYake: Yellowstone Lake Hotel
MYake: Lake Hotel interior
MYake: Lake Hotel bar
MYake: Colter Bay - Jackson Lake
MYake: Grand Tetons and Jackson Lake
MYake: The Gang
MYake: Jeannette and Jackson Moose
MYake: Jackson antler arch