MYake: Green Comma (Polygonia faunus)
MYake: Large Alaska Yellow Cedar
MYake: Large Alaska Yellow Cedar
MYake: Gray Tooth (Phellodon melaleucus) or close relative
MYake: Gray Tooth (Phellodon melaleucus) or close relative
MYake: Gray Tooth (Phellodon melaleucus) or close relative
MYake: Eastside Grand Fir
MYake: Salmon-colored 'Shroom
MYake: Young King Bolete (Boletus edulus)
MYake: Chinook Creek riffle
MYake: Bounty
MYake: Chicken of the Woods
MYake: 770 year-old Doug Fir
MYake: Ohanapecosh Hot Springs - smashed sign
MYake: Ohanapecosh Hot Springs -- 1964
MYake: Ohanapecosh Hot Springs
MYake: Twin Firs, Larger to right. Grove of the Partriarchs
MYake: Burl
MYake: Science