MYake: Ring Pattern on Stump
MYake: Columbine and needles
MYake: Bullion Basin Spring
MYake: Yarrow & Elephant's Head Pedicularis
MYake: Western Meadow Frittilary
MYake: Mt Tahoma (Rainier)
MYake: Group and Tahoma
MYake: The crew
MYake: Jeannette & Marc
MYake: Edith's Checkerspot
MYake: Larkspur
MYake: Mt. Adams and Goat Rocks from nr. Crown Pt.
MYake: Stonecrop
MYake: Marc, Nancy, Tahoma
MYake: Marc & Nancy
MYake: Bill, Jeannette, and Tahoma
MYake: Spider imitating Rainiera stricta flower bud
MYake: Subalpine Fir Cones
MYake: Subalpine Fir Cones
MYake: Backlit kestral
MYake: Fly Away
MYake: Mountain Parnassian
MYake: Flowery Meadow
MYake: Lupine Blue on Buckwheat
MYake: Lupine Blue on Buckwheat
MYake: Heather Slope
MYake: Heather Slope
MYake: Pedicularis bracteosa
MYake: Time Closing In