MYake: Lake Powell
MYake: Hedgehog Cactus Flowers
MYake: Yucca Flower
MYake: Greg before descent
MYake: Greg Descent
MYake: Bill descent
MYake: Ruin tucked in Alcove
MYake: Jeannette and Gale descent
MYake: Fully outfitted
MYake: Greg and cliffhouse
MYake: Anonymous Cliffhouse
MYake: Rooms
MYake: Interior rooms
MYake: Sash, lash, and adobe
MYake: Kiva view
MYake: Interior detail
MYake: Wall detail with corncob, opening, wood
MYake: Wall detail
MYake: Ancient juniper with severed limb
MYake: Taking notes
MYake: Greg at site
MYake: Gale checking windows
MYake: Cliffhouse trio
MYake: Cliffhouse crew
MYake: Greg and Gale
MYake: Jeannette and Bill
MYake: Descent and return
MYake: Ascent and return
MYake: Ascent
MYake: Jack Mormon Beer