MyStillLife: These three take good care of their sick mama...I got my own personal dining music from this slammin' trio for my lunch yesterday! #theyspoilmeso #goawaygerms
MyStillLife: Love it when The Bean leaves me random love notes and sweet surprises in unexpected places!
MyStillLife: So, when you get a day off from school due to ridiculously low temperatures, how do you spend it, you ask? Why, hanging out in the basement in Halloween costumes, of course!
MyStillLife: FINALLY!! After three tries I got the right batteries for my HRM! I'll have to take it out for a spin tonight... #whothoughtthesebatterieswereagoodidea #impossibletofind
MyStillLife: Gettin' all zen up in their Warrior 2 pose. #myworkoutbuddies #theyresoflexibletheyputmetoshame
MyStillLife: Cupcake stylings of The Monkey and The Bean. #bakersextraorinaire #sprinklesfordays
MyStillLife: Nothing like a little Saturday morning tae kwon do to get the blood pumping! #littlechampions #gettingstrongereveryday
MyStillLife: Four-year well check today included vaccinations for kindergarten?!?!
MyStillLife: This is how he rolls... #wearinghisbatmaasktopickuphisbatmancake #batmanobsessed #cantbelievehesfour #happybirthdaymonkey #turnedfouryesterday
MyStillLife: We didn't have time on Christmas to do our traditional birthday cake for Jesus, so we celebrated with cake tonight! #happybirthdayjesus
MyStillLife: We began our 2014 with confetti streamers in the sparkly snow...happy new year!
MyStillLife: You know you live in Ohio when, two weeks before Thanksgiving, you've got snow on your pumpkins! #northernproblems
MyStillLife: Success making my own drinking jar! These pint-and-a-half jars are PERFECT! #christmasgiftsinthemaking
MyStillLife: @mamaplank you spoil us so! This is incredibly, amazingly yummy...and a quarter gone already! #amazingfriends #blessings
MyStillLife: It's The Boy Wonder running down my street, vanquishing the neighborhood of all traces of evil! #lastweekbatmanthisweekrobin #smallandmighty
MyStillLife: Headed for the oven in 3, 2, 1... #fromorchardtotable #applepie #besttimeofyear
MyStillLife: Caleb and the boys are tearing it up at Laser Quest! #boyslife #welcometoten
MyStillLife: Spending the day celebrating the one who first made me a Mama ten years ago...happiest birthday to you, sweet Bug! #soblessed #luckiestmamaonearth #imbetterbecauseofhim
MyStillLife: Just got done having an awesome pre-birthday celebration lunch with the coolest soon-to-be-ten-year-old I know. #widn. I'm tagging @dwiseman , @mamaplank , @young82005 ... what are you ladies up to?
MyStillLife: Who IS this masked man climbing my stairs?!
MyStillLife: "Living & Active" Challenge lunch #1...tuna "tacos!" If you need a little jumpstart in your healthy lifestyle/fitness journey, check out @clarepeak313 's second annual Living and Active Challenge! #livingandactive #peak313 #clarepeak313 #thanksclareinee
MyStillLife: She's not letting walking pneumonia get her down...there's a smile behind that mask! #shesatrooper #truejoy #icouldlearnathingortwofromher
MyStillLife: I'm ignoring today's 91 degree (102 with the heat index) temperatures and marching on to celebrate fall with a praline pumpkin pie protein coffee complete with caramel drizzle and orange stripey straw! #indiansummergiveupalready
MyStillLife: Now I'm a happy girl! #honeycrispsaremyfave #therespieinmyfuture
MyStillLife: I'm totally obsessed with my new key fob/wristlet...thanks so much, Colleen!!! #craftyladies
MyStillLife: The Lady of Leisure eats her mashed potatoes whilst donning her pajamas and sunglasses. Don't question her. #canyousaydiva #pickyourbattles
MyStillLife: Spilled all.the.salt straight onto the kitchen floor while reaching for the pumpkin syrup for my coffee this morning...September, you'd better shape up! #pleasebebetterthanaugust #nousecryingyaddayaddayadda
MyStillLife: Fresh from the tub #squeakyclean
MyStillLife: Love these guys together...
MyStillLife: Spent the morning learning about king David...he's all smiles when service is over, but going INTO his new big class is a different'll get easier, right? Right?! :)