Cornelia Anghel: { the kiss } [Explored]
mingjaan == Anderson: 2010台北花博TaipeiExpo348_時尚走秀_流行館_遠東環生方舟
Rita LEE@: IMAG0028
[空] SORA: curry girl
[空] SORA: smoking snowman
mingjaan == Anderson: 18_雅虎台灣_南港新辦公室_YAHOO!_New_Office_Autostitch_全景合成
plasma: 梓喵說: 休假
Yoshio Taka: Lighting Bamboo @ Hyatt Regency Kyoto
puriticat: new Taiwan office preview
Star Tsai: 2006_1114_180100
Star Tsai: 2007_0407_104936
plasma: 小球 via PCHome 24HR
Kaba: Sunset or raise?
[空] SORA: brothers indeed...
cureless: 謝謝大家
puriticat: 2010 Yahoo! Summer Party
puriticat: 2010 Yahoo! Summer Party
puriticat: 2010 Yahoo! Summer Party
bluebeckie: playing with camera
[空] SORA: Wat Arun@nite
jeff~: 20090912(006)
jeff~: 有沒有可愛?
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