Burning Bucket: OMG, those eyes are amazing #NoEdit #CatAgain
Burning Bucket: Get out of my face, I'm chilling.
Burning Bucket: Peekaboo, I see you #kitty
Burning Bucket: Peekaboo, I see you #kitty
Burning Bucket: Who knew that mounting your lens on backwards would make for some #bokehlicious #bokeh
Burning Bucket: Untitled
Burning Bucket: Untitled
Burning Bucket: My #Canon #Rangefinder #analog
Burning Bucket: Hello kitty #kittyinmyneck
Burning Bucket: ZOMG, whatever! #kitty
Burning Bucket: Hey doll (literally)
Burning Bucket: #Kitty and I playing hide and go seek. She's good #CatInABox
Burning Bucket: Headless kitty
Burning Bucket: YAY! #stevejobs #books
Burning Bucket: An orchid, taken with #iPhone #Olloclip and #Camera+
Burning Bucket: Kitty say, I love boxes!!! #cat #box
Burning Bucket: Oh man, ouch…
Burning Bucket: Working on a paperless office, almost there!
Burning Bucket: Just clowning around…
Burning Bucket: Not looking to great today. #selfy #selfportrait
Burning Bucket: Kitty ain't afraid of no water.
Burning Bucket: Hover cat is, hovering #kitty #cat #nofilter
Burning Bucket: Nosy kitty #cat
Burning Bucket: HipstaPrint