Billy Quinn 1954: Ubu & Tusk
Billy Quinn 1954: Mère UBU Was 'High-Fashionably' Unavailable for Comment
Billy Quinn 1954: You Heard It Here First: Ruin Named as Official Photographer for the UBU/Tusk Lifelong Regency
Billy Quinn 1954: The Hard Truth about the Rhino Horn “Aphrodisiac” Market
Billy Quinn 1954: Mylon Tusk the Third (The Official Solo Portrait)
Billy Quinn 1954: UBU's Decision to Put Sylvester (Sly) Fox in Charge of Chicken-House Defence Was Truly Inspired
Billy Quinn 1954: UBU (No Trousers) and Tusk (Naked), 2024
Billy Quinn 1954: Try As He Might, Marcel Could Not Locate Mylon's Carotid Artery. He Was Glad, At Least, That The Room Had Twin Beds
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Trying to Explain 'Infrathin' to a Somewhat Distractingly Naked Mylon Tusk
Billy Quinn 1954: Coming Soon! The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences and Observations of Mylon Tusk the Third, the Richest Rhino in the Known Universe (Which He Never Meant to Publish on Any Account, at All, at All)
Billy Quinn 1954: UBU Knew that He Simply Had To Locate the Carotid Artery, in the Side of Marcel's Neck, and Exert Firm and Constant Pressure. His Foxy Choice for 'Minister of Defence' Would Be a Shoo-in
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel and UBU Roi at 'The Volendam Summit'
Billy Quinn 1954: Still From Upcoming Movie Version of 'UBU Roi in The New World', This Scene Showing UBU Crossing The Delaware
Billy Quinn 1954: The UBU Plays
Billy Quinn 1954: Jarry (1873-1907) and Duchamp (1887- 1968) Having a Chinwag in an Indonesian Restaurant in 2024, Utrechtstraat, Amsterdam
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel in Drag as Rrose, and Rrose in Drag as Marcel, This Halloween, 2024
Billy Quinn 1954: Alfred Jarry and Marcel Duchamp in Yodelling Face-Off (Breaking News!)
Billy Quinn 1954: Tsk, tsk, Tusk Tusk
Billy Quinn 1954: But Enough About Me, Us, Them
Billy Quinn 1954: On Lineage (DADA and Grandada)
Billy Quinn 1954: Francois Rabelais, Artist Unknown, 1640-ish
Billy Quinn 1954: Was Popping Out To Say Cuckoo
Billy Quinn 1954: Ubu & Tusk in 'Mar del Agro'
Billy Quinn 1954: The Judder Brudders (James and Marcel)
Billy Quinn 1954: On the Crest of a Wave
Billy Quinn 1954: "There's Only One Solution: I'll Take Over Command Myself"
Billy Quinn 1954: Mylon Tusk
Billy Quinn 1954: Père UBU, and His Sidekick Mylon Tusk, During Coronation Rehearsals
Billy Quinn 1954: The Foreign Ambassador