Billy Quinn 1954: James is Modelling the Lanech 'Stay Connected' Hat, with Irish-Linen Suit and 'Clerical Collar' Shirt
Billy Quinn 1954: Hats Off to Marcel, All the Same
Billy Quinn 1954: And James Would Have His 'Prostate Hat'
Billy Quinn 1954: "There Will Be Hats"_ ChaCha
Billy Quinn 1954: Seámus O' Seoige
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel, with James, 'Pulling a Falstaff' on V-J Day, Times Square, 1945
Billy Quinn 1954: Plan 9 From Inner Space
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Duchamp Is Wearing a Repurposed Bowler Hat
Billy Quinn 1954: 'Half in Love' (1977-ish) Extended (2024)
Billy Quinn 1954: Does Anyone Still Wear a Hat?
Billy Quinn 1954: "Whatever Happened to the Prewar Cockscomb?"
Billy Quinn 1954: When in Rome (The Shared Veil)
Billy Quinn 1954: Rrose as 'Belle Haleine', 1921
Billy Quinn 1954: Rrose as a Young Girl
Billy Quinn 1954: Rrose and Marcel
Billy Quinn 1954: In the Wings (Lahinch) with Dolly
Billy Quinn 1954: Dolly (back row, far left) Looking Uncharacteristically Sheepish
Billy Quinn 1954: Both ChaCha Lanech and I Just Can't Get Enough of Marcel Duchamp with Cotton Wool on His Head
Billy Quinn 1954: Dolly is Modelling a Radiation-Proof Hazard Hat in Cotton-Candy Spun 100% Merino Wool, with Silver Lining (invisible detail)
Billy Quinn 1954: The Giant Silverfish Is Wearing an 'Only Cockroaches Will Survive, I Don't Think So' Hat from Lanech, 2024
Billy Quinn 1954: ChaCha Claimed That the Idea Came from 'The Coxcomb'
Billy Quinn 1954: Nobody Wears the 'Burning Down the House' Hat Quite Like Rrose
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Dolly Wooled
Billy Quinn 1954: James is Teaming These High-Waisted 'Summer-Look' Trousers, with a Wide-Brimmed, Semi-Stovepipe, Hat, and a Vacant Stare
Billy Quinn 1954: Rrose, of Course, Saw It Differently
Billy Quinn 1954: Triskelion Marcel and Bifurcating Dolly Hit the Catwalk for Lanech 2024 (Lahinch)
Billy Quinn 1954: The Giant Silverfish on the Lanech Catwalk, Lahinch 2024
Billy Quinn 1954: Pyramid Navvies
Billy Quinn 1954: No. 1 from 'The 9 Bachelors in Los Alamos' Series