Billy Quinn 1954: Coming Soon
Billy Quinn 1954: Readers' Questions. Number 1: Is Plastic Surgery Available in Heaven?
Billy Quinn 1954: The Pope's Nose
Billy Quinn 1954: Fully Vulcanised (High Relief) Hot-Water-Bottle, with Screw-off Crown (Stopper)
Billy Quinn 1954: Now, Without Removable Head (The Updated, bot produced, Holy-Water Bottle)
Billy Quinn 1954: (Welsh) St Patrick Driving the Snakes Out of Ireland
Billy Quinn 1954: Blue Nun
Billy Quinn 1954: The Semi-Conductor (Checking for Piles)
Billy Quinn 1954: The Lost and the Shaved (The Twelve Followers and a few Hangers-on)
Billy Quinn 1954: Beginning to Work on 'The Primate of All Ireland'
Billy Quinn 1954: Purgatory (With That Get Out of Jail Card)
Billy Quinn 1954: At the age of 83, his mother attributed her apparent longevity to never having eaten a vegetable in her life.
Billy Quinn 1954: The Inferno by Giovanni da Modena via Wikimedia Commons
Billy Quinn 1954: Saint Blaise (Patron Saint of the Throat and now, newly added, Extraneous and Morphing Bodily Extremities)
Billy Quinn 1954: 'Holy Family (Now with Figleaf)'
Billy Quinn 1954: Preparing for the 'Is God Irish?' Show, in the Studio
Billy Quinn 1954: Siobhán Giollamhuire Nic Cionnaith*, in a Pointy Leather/Metal Hat
Billy Quinn 1954: The Parable of The Lost Sheep (Dolly)
Billy Quinn 1954: Well, Knock Me Down With a Feather
Billy Quinn 1954: Teorema (1968)
Billy Quinn 1954: On Set ('The Other Song of Bernadette' the sequel)
Billy Quinn 1954: Saint Limax Cinereoniger (an old friend)
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Duchamp in Drag as Jeffrey Hunter
Billy Quinn 1954: Nature or Nurture? (Is there a difference?)
Billy Quinn 1954: The Irish Linen Predella