Billy Quinn 1954: I Like the Pegs on the Line
Billy Quinn 1954: There's a wonderful device in Photoshop. It's called a 'Healing Brush Tool'. Every Family Should Have one, for a Trip to Butlins.
Billy Quinn 1954: On Polishing Thirds (You have to say it with an Irish Accent)
Billy Quinn 1954: I think my grandfather was a Libertine, my 'Grandmother' was more of an Earth Mother
Billy Quinn 1954: That Stan Laurel (and Hardy) Gene with the real Grandmother, de echte oma
Billy Quinn 1954: James Joyce once wrote to, his life-companion, Nora Barnacle, in one of his many beautiful letters to her: "I Would Recognise My Sweet Nora's Fart in a Roomful of Farting Women"
Billy Quinn 1954: This One (The Quick and the Dead)
Billy Quinn 1954: The people I quote here
Billy Quinn 1954: Qing (1644 to 1911) representation of a man standing outside an XXX Theatre.
Billy Quinn 1954: Memling, Vanity, Salvation and the, Common or Garden, Cornish Pasty
Billy Quinn 1954: The Traditional, and Much Loved, Mating Dance
Billy Quinn 1954: Pollyanna and the Lethal Injection
Billy Quinn 1954: Chinese Reverse Glass Painting
Billy Quinn 1954: My youngest brother, Johnny, the baby of our Nuclear (disaster) Family, always claimed that he had already learnt how to change his own nappy (UK and the Republic of Ireland), by the time he was six months old
Billy Quinn 1954: Not my grandfather, but not far off
Billy Quinn 1954: For Years I Wrestled with My Father to Win Back Control of My Life
Billy Quinn 1954: Pith and Pathos
Billy Quinn 1954: I think of it all as a type of 'Bastard Weaving'. Ena Embraces Hope (and the idea of everything being equal to everything else)
Billy Quinn 1954: Another Letter to an Unknown Woman
Billy Quinn 1954: Paul, Linda, and Sarah, with 'Sunday in the Park with Paul and George'
Billy Quinn 1954: Self-portrait, in studio, with Bowler Hat and Skeleton, 1977
Billy Quinn 1954: At the age of 83, his mother attributed her apparent longevity to never having eaten a vegetable in her life.
Billy Quinn 1954: Prelude to a Bonfire of the Vanities