Billy Quinn 1954:
'All Things Being Equal'. That Flickr allows you to move images around, simply by changing the 'date uploaded' makes it a Painterly Medium.
Billy Quinn 1954:
I Love the Marriage of Then and Now
Billy Quinn 1954:
Vincent Aid
Billy Quinn 1954:
Solid Company
Billy Quinn 1954:
It's Gonna Be a Hot Summer
Billy Quinn 1954:
I'm Going Down (ik ga naar beneden)
Billy Quinn 1954:
Strike Whilst the Iron is Hot (on reciprocity)
Billy Quinn 1954:
An Abiding Obsession (Chance would be a Fine Thing).
Billy Quinn 1954:
Van Gogh Museum
Billy Quinn 1954:
A Helping Hand
Billy Quinn 1954:
In His Shadow (Not cold at all, sweating, actually)
Billy Quinn 1954:
CHINA : Thinking about Viral Contagion
Billy Quinn 1954:
Price, Value, and Worth (again, this time reflecting back on issues of self-worth and deserved treatment)
Billy Quinn 1954:
Infra-Red Detail (on Thin Ground)
Billy Quinn 1954:
The Amateur Anchorite
Billy Quinn 1954:
With Jeffrey and Demmie (On catching up with the past.)
Billy Quinn 1954:
Product Placement
Billy Quinn 1954:
Let Go
Billy Quinn 1954:
Working (On a Valentine for Van Gogh)
Billy Quinn 1954:
Madame Mao Zedong refuses to give up her Van Gogh Ironing Board
Billy Quinn 1954:
Working (On a Valentine for Van Gogh)
Billy Quinn 1954:
'V is For Vincent'
Billy Quinn 1954:
'On Going Too Far'