sepoy_strikeform: IMG_1499 v2
sepoy_strikeform: IMG_2224 v2
sepoy_strikeform: IMG_2255 v2
Paul Mercado (Dre Merc): Black Rock Shooter Beast
Paul Mercado (Dre Merc): Break Blade: Delphine 3rd Type
Paul Mercado (Dre Merc): Break Blade: Delphine 2nd Type
Dominic's pics: Muses, Riusuke Fukahori - Goldfish Salvation
Dominic's pics: Muses, Riusuke Fukahori - Goldfish Salvation
Dominic's pics: Goldfish Sake: Shinokaze, Riusuke Fukahori - Goldfish Salvation
loneotaku: IMG_8820
criss_garcia: Some milk before going to bed
criss_garcia: Sometimes the mirror lies...
criss_garcia: Self-portrait
sepoy_strikeform: ryutaros10 v2
sepoy_strikeform: tg_thefirstkr1&2_3
sepoy_strikeform: tg_reinforce_zwei3
Paul Mercado (Dre Merc): I will... never be a memory!
Paul Mercado (Dre Merc): Mission 3: End of Days
EdwardLee's collection: KINGDOM HEARTS : Sora
Paul Mercado (Dre Merc): Epic Neo Getter Battle