tina_olholm, Denmark.: Abandoned Bank.
nordgriller: Abandoned Hospital W.
nordgriller: Sand-Lime Brick Works BB 16
Leon Botha: "Angels Of Polarity"
Urbi et Urbex: id tech 4
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Manicomio di V
ddaugenblick: the last show
Fallowsite: Le silence est d'or.
Brian Precious Decay is BACK!: Corridor of casualties
jST.: Back to Shat
Lempreinte-Photo-Drone: Do Re Mi Fa ...
Stuart Smith.: Derelict Ruins, Great Northern Highway, Yarawinda, Western Australia
david_drei: Linoleumwerk (27)
david_drei: Kraftwerk Plessa (24)
david_drei: VEB Keramik (2)
dijopic: 192
black#light: Hier spielt die Musik
black#light: Dom zu Xanten
federicolimongelli: I denti della contessa
federicolimongelli: Playing with the angels
Fine ArtFoto: Stairway to Heaven
Fine ArtFoto: From here....down
Fine ArtFoto: Anteroom
Fine ArtFoto: A Break
Vivien Slopianka: Sit down, take a rest