mustharshid: When it is calm, everything looks so peaceful.
mustharshid: This is a little speck, from the beauty that awaits you.
mustharshid: Some pictures do not need any enhancement! #maldives
mustharshid: Imprisoned in an island resort - according to a friend.
mustharshid: My kids rescued Shadow and looked after it until it could live on it's own - then released the crow into the wild. Memories of 2015.
mustharshid: Can one get enough of this natural beauty?
mustharshid: A family portrait ;D (K. Thulusdhoo)
mustharshid: Restaurant on the beach, in the beautiful Maldives.
mustharshid: No beauty is as good as natural beauty - one of the best #surfing spots in #Maldives - with no makeup!
mustharshid: We sacrifice lives to sustain other life. A lots of time, we sacrifice for the greater benifit of the society. Sacrificing is not cruality! (Photo: Male' Fish Market)
mustharshid: School is where a child spends about 60% of their daily activities. The school is the second home of every child. (photo: Jamaludheen School)
mustharshid: These kids don't have anything but happiness, while we have everything but happiness. (rural Bangladesh) #tb #VSCOcam
mustharshid: Rural Bangladesh - where people don't take anything for granted. #throwback #VSCOcamp
mustharshid: Don't you want to see more Maldivians incorporating nature into interior design? #VSCOcam
mustharshid: Nothing lasts forever - not even the Sun.
mustharshid: Did you noticed that Maldivian authorities are very keen on cleaning any signs of green. They regularly cut all shrubs and grass in unoccupied areas in Villingili using an army of workers, in spite of budget constrains.
mustharshid: Skating ramp is an example for us adults - shows what determined kids could do.
mustharshid: Wires in the wireless age.
mustharshid: We think we know, but we never know.
mustharshid: If survival of fittest is true - religion played a huge role in survival of the human race - for religion was carried forward by all surviving ancient civilizations.
mustharshid: Growing again, the most important ingredient for pasta - basil. It's one of the easiest plant to grow from cuttings.
mustharshid: Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah has cursed the one who gives a bribe and the one who takes it.”
mustharshid: God gave us beaches with white sand and crystal clear water. In return we have been dumping our waste into those beaches.
mustharshid: With a smile, a kid can capture you heart in a milli-second.
mustharshid: If you do not give your kid the opportunity to take calculated risks as a young child, he has to learn to take risks only as a teenager.
mustharshid: Slowly, Maldivians seems to be realising that IGMH, a public hospital, will never be like ADK, a private hospital.
mustharshid: Alhamdulillaah - finally able to propagate Thyme. Cuttings from Fantasy Store. Used paper cups work as great biodegradable seedling pot. (Photo: @shazoo___)
mustharshid: This is an advertisement: hard to get used items, wood, metal items etc. available from Neelanfihaara.
mustharshid: We all grow. We all bloom. We all wither. Like a flower does. We are reconstructed. We are given life. We are accounted for our actions. Unlike a flower gets.
mustharshid: Parks should be open for the public - not closed, like during the 30 years. Photo: Hukurumiskih Park