Musipal999: vortexin'
Musipal999: chicago bull
Musipal999: mouthwash
Musipal999: baduizm
Musipal999: devils in the architecture
Musipal999: pussy
Musipal999: cute bf is def
Musipal999: cute bf is cute
Musipal999: good dog
Musipal999: beardfirst
Musipal999: There is an eagle in me that wants to soar...
Musipal999: with coördinating ironic mock footie and stabilizer boot
Musipal999: lumberjack looks for 2011
Musipal999: we all fall behind, from time to time
Musipal999: you said if I tried this
Musipal999: under lights, we're all unsure
Musipal999: but i was there.
Musipal999: make it easy for me
Musipal999: tell me
Musipal999: sweet & tender
Musipal999: concerned
Musipal999: my chrome is shinin'
Musipal999: baby my head's full of colors
Musipal999: i know what you're thinking
Musipal999: walk the dogs and watch the doors