Davor Desancic: Shoreline
Stephanie Roberts: Found light
Davor Desancic: Lesser Goldfinch Nest
Davor Desancic: Red-winged Blackbird
Davor Desancic: Anna's HB
Davor Desancic: Wild Turkey
Davor Desancic: Nest Builder
Davor Desancic: Moon Blues
Davor Desancic: Lunar Eclipse
Davor Desancic: 95 Waxwings
Davor Desancic: When the Levee Breaks
Davor Desancic: Anna's Hummingbird
Davor Desancic: Red-tailed Hawk
Davor Desancic: Harrier vs Kite
Davor Desancic: Red-shouldered Hawk
Davor Desancic: Black-necked Stilt
Davor Desancic: Western Bluebird
Stephanie Roberts: A little bit of fun
Stephanie Roberts: Time, time, time
Stephanie Roberts: I am never without it
Stephanie Roberts: Off somewhere
Stephanie Roberts: Blooms and blooms
Toi Lynn: Sweet little things...
Aartje_S: 207/365 ~ Waiting
AmyGStubbs: 365.207 - Star trails
An Ozark Girl: 206/365 itsy bitsy [day 190 revisited]
ClareC79: 208/365 - 27th July 2013
REM ~ Photo: Locust Lake