Shutter Chimp: Im back!: Good boy! いい子!
Kavan The Kid: "The Explorer"
Zlatko Vickovic: rainy knight
brookeshaden: darkside
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Viewing Venetian Vistas II
Format No Auto: DuneRats_Biltmore_161112_AshTanasiychuk-122
Quentin K: Blue Serenity
Flickr: Magical photography with soap bubbles: “At first glance, some people think my images are from space — you know, planets, stars and what not,” says photographer Richard Heeks. “Others have mistaken them for cells or microorganisms...
Justin Kenneth Rowley: Ansel Adams Address
chassamax: [Explore 13/06/2016] Etretat - Normandie - France
Thomas Leuthard: COOPH #2
Alexander Semenov: Mediterranean hyperiid
Ronny Garcia Moron: "The heavy dress" 347/365
Ronny Garcia Moron: "Spring Awakening" 330/365