Claudia Gaiotto: Ascolta la sua voce che ormai canta nel vento Dio di misericordia vedrai, sarai contento.
Alan Dreamworks: Snowing Manhattan
Claudia Gaiotto: il ruggito dell'anima...
Stephen L D'Agostino: Athens general store and shop-keeper
nicolasv: And into the sea goes pretty England and me
Thomas Hawk: This is My Heart on Love
lisa ♡: sweet feet
Mariaov: Los pies de Pietro
Sesgy: Still raining still dreaming
lapeppina: tea taster
D. Kong: Brazilian Rush Hour
lia costa carvalho: [maturity] # 2
Sconsiderato: FI 947320
micheluzza -out of Time-: Non guardarmi così!
Modii: In stazione
** Nico **: "The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there... and still on your feet."