Rebecca Price Photography: Hello beautiful people of Flickr! I need suggestions from you of people to follow on Google+! Whether it's you, a friend, or both! I may be temporarily selling my camera but I still want awesome people to fill my feed with their amazing work! :yellow_hear
Rebecca Price Photography: Super sad to part with this guy. My first real camera, and a darn good one at that. Taught me a heck of a lot about photography, the art and the science behind it, a deeper appreciation for both images and literature, and myself. We made it through a 365
Rebecca Price Photography: The one nice thing about having no real immediate purpose in my life right now? I have time to curl up with Reese and read. I have found I actually DO still enjoy reading - I just apparently haven't had a schedule that allowed for it to be enjoyable for m
Rebecca Price Photography: someday / finding north
Rebecca Price Photography: The Branches of Every Tree Bend Like a Cathedral Over Me
Rebecca Price Photography: You've Pulled Back Your Veil, Laid It All On The Line
Rebecca Price Photography: The Civil Wars No. 3
Rebecca Price Photography: In Their Hearts Humans Plan Their Course
Rebecca Price Photography: Birds Of A Feather
Rebecca Price Photography: Dance Me To The End Of Love
Rebecca Price Photography: Day 365: The Last One
Rebecca Price Photography: Day 364: Come Morning Light
Rebecca Price Photography: Day 363: Up In Flames
Rebecca Price Photography: Day 360: Reindeer Kitty
Rebecca Price Photography: Day 359: CHRISTMAS! :).
Rebecca Price Photography: Day 358: Christmas Eve