morillo: Clochard
kampang: Tortoise beetle
Teillas: cox04
Lookaloopy: Tonight...
State Library of NSW: Ed E. Ford, comedian, at the Tivoli Theatre, Sydney, ca. 1914 / photographer unknown
State Library of NSW: Blizzard, the pup in Antarctica / photograph by Frank Hurley
Tallica90: my dad and charmeur
jonboy24/7: Roker lighthouse blue tone
law_keven: Happy Birthday Lil guy...:O)))
morillo: ...di grandi avventure, balene e capitani coraggiosi.
Eric Palmer: Cape Terrapin
giles.breton: I think therefore I am (a gorilla)
tigrić: Iceland
pixel_unikat: Waiting for you ...
Fredaniane: Théorie quantique des champs
manuel cristaldi: bustric # 16
Piotr Organa: Give Bear a hug (2)
Fadzly @ Shutterhack: A stroke on the back (SUKMA XII 2008, Terengganu)
d-stop: Ladybug
tootdood: Day 340/365 Take me to your leader
david gilliver: red lips
Marlowpics/ Anna: Aquilegia
roinuh: ra006_450