°°Sonhos de Mel 'ੴ • Dio Miranda:
°°Guirlanda de Gatinhos...
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pow..bam SMB3721
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wings of my dreams_SMB9026
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Just love D75_0605
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Happy Birthday_SMB1305
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storm ahead_SMB6345
Marilí Carvalho:
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hope at the end of the road DSC_0729
Santa Bagunça:
BloquiNHOS eM CartONageM
Maringá Patchwork by Ruth Urbinati:
Eu tapetinho romântico, visto de frente, tenha em sua casa também um tapetinho estiloso como eu, só falar com a Ruth Urbinati
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Mirror Mirror soon to be gone_SMB2473
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so much going on_SMB1303
loja segredo da arte:
Oficina Costura Japonesa
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Ain't it funny how the night moves _SMB1278
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awhile back AZ2_1464_00001115
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Stairway to Heavenly_SMB8674
loja segredo da arte:
Dona Coelha
loja segredo da arte:
Panô de Coelho
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Santa Bagunça: