Flutter Kat: A small top done today. I have pink minky chevron for the back of this so it sure is going to be bright!!! #sewing #patchwork #quilting #babygift
Flutter Kat: Yehaaaa I finished another thing off my list - a quilted blanket for my cousin's baby due next month. We have a baby boom in our family at the moment so this is 1 down and 4 to go. Oh my!! This quilt top has actually been made for 2 years and sitting in m
Flutter Kat: wonders will never cease, I'm actually up to date with my bee blocks... It's only taken all year here is my #augustblock for #stashbee #hive8 #patchwork #quilting #sewing
Flutter Kat: @craftyfesta I'll send these along too if you want to use them for light pink. Unfortunately I don't have enough pink solid or I would finish it for you. Sorry.
Flutter Kat: It's a sewing day today ❤️ first bee block of the day made... Sarah is making a rainbow I spy quilt and I chose brown. This is going to be one fun quilt! #eyespywithmylittleeye... #quilting #patchwork #sewing #hive8 #stashbee
Flutter Kat: First day of my new job. EEEK. Lots of emotions!
Flutter Kat: Butterfly 2. I think this looks better in real life. Hopefully it looks enough like a butterfly! #stashbee #hive8 #sewing #quilting #patchwork #yayallcaughtupnow
Flutter Kat: It's a simple block but hopefully it fills the butterfly low volume brief. For a person obsessed with butterflies I sure do have a stash devoid of butterfly fabric!! I do love these colours at the moment #stashbee #hive8 #sewing #patchwork #improv #butter
Flutter Kat: Sheesh it takes longer to choose the fabrics for these blocks than it does to sew them up. I can't believe they are so speedy. I don't think I've ever made 16 patches before. #block2done #hive8 #sewing #stashbee #patchwork #quilting
Flutter Kat: 1 bee block finished. So quick and easy. Reminds me of summer, eating watermelon by the beach, so I hope Tami likes it for her picnic blanket #hive8 #stashbee #sewing #patchwork #quilting
Flutter Kat: Out for dinner with a fab bunch of kiwi bloggers - @adrianneonthewindyside @tartankiwi @itsmariemade @katieinnz @cat73 @lpsimpson @mnmsadventures
Flutter Kat: Today, to say it's wet and windy would be an understatement! It's miserable miserable weather. As we listen to the sirens scream past and we pray for people's safety, we paint. I relish in our homeliest home. The homeliest home we've ever lived. #theseare
Flutter Kat: 6 years ago this little girl made me a mother... Now she's doing times tables and asking to get her ears pierced!! Happiest 6 years of my life! #happybirthdaymysweet #miss6 #thesearethedays #myhannah
Flutter Kat: It is rather noisy in our house just now... We have 13 6-7 year olds for the evening plus our own 2. It's a sea of pink onesies!!
Flutter Kat: My little tapping girl came first for her age group (under 7) in today's competition. I'm so proud of her!! She's just a bit pleased with herself as you can see!! #myhannah #miss5 #dancinggirl #dancing #tapdancer #winnerwinnerchickendinner
Flutter Kat: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek my order of stretch fabrics and blingy blingy trims just arrived from #fabricdotcom I cannot WAIT to get creating with these fun fabrics!! #funfunfun #katsews #happymothersdaytoME
Flutter Kat: The LAST coat is going on today everybody- hip hooray hip hooray HIP HOORAY #diy #thelastroomtobefinished #wellexceptforthedoors
Flutter Kat: Yaaaay... I can't believe how long this tiny guy took. Lots and LOTS of hand stitching = Not my favourite. Nor are ruffles for that matter. But it's pretty stinking cute all the same. I hope it makes it's intended recipient very happy. I added some cellop
Flutter Kat: So here is my first attempt at making a tap competition costume... I hope Hannah's teacher loves it as much as we do because Hannah sure is thrilled with it! I'm slowly working out this Lycra business. I think I've unpicked more this week than I had in my
Flutter Kat: So there's room for improvement but the first leotard has been made and a little someone is very happy with it. My favourite part was when she came in wearing it at 7am and said in an overwhelmed whisper "Mum it's Peeerfect!!" Mumma is not quite as please
Flutter Kat: Soooo it's too cold down in my dungeon (sewing room) to sew tonight so I've taken over the upstairs. Plus this way it's easier to at least pretend I'm keeping an eye on my children since it's school holidays and I haven't got two seconds alone. Tonight I'
Flutter Kat: There is nothing I love more than getting up and finding a pile of abandoned quilts in my lounge room!! Because that there is a pile of 3, including one made with all the girls' baby clothes. I love that they get daily use and are loved and cherished by m
Flutter Kat: The back... You can kind of see the quilting in this shot. I quilted a half inch on either side of the seams on the diagonal so that it made diamonds. I was planning on getting it professionally quilted but decided that since there was no negative space y
Flutter Kat: It's the moment of truth- I've started quilting!!! I have not pin basted or straight line quilted in forever (some could say I have not quilted at ALL in forever full stop but non the less) and I miss my spray baste! But I am trucking on regardless and ho
Flutter Kat: Since it's so gloomy outside I'm pretending it's still summer by working on finishing Abbie's quilt... This thing is so bright that it can't help but cheer you up #quilting #sewing #quilt #patchwork #handmade
Flutter Kat: Mr hedgehog thinks they work very nicely together... But they are not for the same person #sosobright #hmmm #patchwork #stashbee #hive8 #sewing #quilting
Flutter Kat: Block 2 for April #stashbee. Hmmm I know this block is supposed to be scrappy but maybe I went a little over board. Must have been in the mood for BRIGHT on this grey gloomy day #hive8 #patchwork #sewing #quilting
Flutter Kat: Yay one block down... This was fun! It was nice to go all out with scrappy colour for a change. #beeblock #stashbee #hive8 #patchwork #quilting #sewing
Flutter Kat: Stop the bus because sewing is actually happening. Wonders will never cease #destinedtobeabeeblock #sewing #patchwork #quilting
Flutter Kat: It's time to partay..... #myAbbie #partytime #twopartiesinoneday #wheresmypanadol #gonnaneedittoday