multi_everything: Where do you go?
multi_everything: Did I tell you that I bought a ticket to the end of the Rainbow?
multi_everything: Life leaves marks .....
multi_everything: Waiting at sunset
multi_everything: Comfort repeated....
multi_everything: Once it was...........
multi_everything: Stories behind #14
multi_everything: Coffee with my mom at the balcony.......
multi_everything: End of today, beginning of tomorrow........
multi_everything: Fun on the top
multi_everything: Curiosity.......
multi_everything: Hope you know......
multi_everything: Summer days in Bosnia .....
multi_everything: Everything is going to be fine ......
multi_everything: Shades of grey.....
multi_everything: Different worlds collide....
multi_everything: White splash ......
multi_everything: Stopping the Time in Blue......
multi_everything: Time traveling.....
multi_everything: Sometimes is good to look back .....
multi_everything: Sending out all unwritten letters .....
multi_everything: .... misty ....
multi_everything: The Autumn has reached back alley .....
multi_everything: God grant us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the Courage to change the things we can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.
multi_everything: Where do I even begin......
multi_everything: The World has not lost its glory ....
multi_everything: Some Life's privileges.....
multi_everything: Merry and Happy to all of you.....