multi_everything: Good Bye Holidays! So long till next winter....
multi_everything: Feels like Monday...
multi_everything: Today is Better than Yesterday. Always.
multi_everything: ...soul at peace...
multi_everything: Corridor through rainy days...
multi_everything: Neighborhood...
multi_everything: It's a good day to have a good day!
multi_everything: Sometimes getting to the end comes first....
multi_everything: Trust Life a bit....
multi_everything: ~ "Here is bread, which strengthens man's heart, and therefore is called the staff of Life." ~ Matthew Henry
multi_everything: Dreams come with a side of a wind, sand grains and long shadows...
multi_everything: here to keep us reminded...
multi_everything: ...oridinary canvas...
multi_everything: ...rainy days colored red...
multi_everything: a new beginning!....
multi_everything: Sunshine...
multi_everything: Love.....
multi_everything: It was cold and busy....
multi_everything: Merry and Happy to all of you.....
multi_everything: Warm at heart ....
multi_everything: Autumnal stories .....
multi_everything: The World has not lost its glory ....
multi_everything: Simple views ....
multi_everything: Prayer of the Refugee .....
multi_everything: Thinking of being reunited .....
multi_everything: Where do I even begin......
multi_everything: When the Sun is breaking in your eyes....
multi_everything: .... and when is the most exciting, stop, turn around, and disapear ....