★lemony★: autumn
★lemony★: butterfly blue
★lemony★: magnolias
★lemony★: becca3
★lemony★: becca2
★lemony★: Mother & Daughter
★lemony★: The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul
★lemony★: My dad
★lemony★: Zeebie
★lemony★: “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
★lemony★: dragonfly
★lemony★: water lily
★lemony★: Rubber Ducky
★lemony★: “Music is love in search of a word.”
★lemony★: Flying Dragon?
★lemony★: "Love without reason lasts the longest."
★lemony★: And this is one of the major questions of our lives: how we keep boundaries, what permission we have to cross boundaries, and how we do so.
★lemony★: junior no. 3
★lemony★: George
★lemony★: Eucalyptus
★lemony★: pink daisy
★lemony★: water dog
★lemony★: leaf skeleton
★lemony★: white daisy
★lemony★: shower head